Displaying similar documents to “On continuity of the entropy-based differently implicational algorithm”

Entropy of T -sums and T -products of L - R fuzzy numbers

Anna Kolesárová, Doretta Vivona (2001)



In the paper the entropy of L R fuzzy numbers is studied. It is shown that for a given norm function, the computation of the entropy of L R fuzzy numbers reduces to using a simple formula which depends only on the spreads and shape functions of incoming numbers. In detail the entropy of T M –sums and T M –products of L R fuzzy numbers is investigated. It is shown that the resulting entropy can be computed only by means of the entropy of incoming fuzzy numbers or by means of their parameters...

On the g -entropy and its Hudetz correction

Beloslav Riečan (2002)



The Hudetz correction of the fuzzy entropy is applied to the g -entropy. The new invariant is expressed by the Hudetz correction of fuzzy entropy.

Information Measure for Vague Symbols

Milan Mareš (2011)

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica


The structures of the fuzzy information theory are focused on the concept of fuzzy entropy, where the individual information of symbols is considered only implicitely. This paper aims to fill this gap and to study the concepts of fuzzy information. Special attention is paid to the typical fuzzy set theoretical paradigma of monotonicity of operations.