Displaying similar documents to “On representations of real analytic functions by monogenic functions”

Classical PLS-spaces: spaces of distributions, real analytic functions and their relatives

Paweł Domański (2004)

Banach Center Publications


This paper is an extended version of an invited talk presented during the Orlicz Centenary Conference (Poznań, 2003). It contains a brief survey of applications to classical problems of analysis of the theory of the so-called PLS-spaces (in particular, spaces of distributions and real analytic functions). Sequential representations of the spaces and the theory of the functor Proj¹ are applied to questions like solvability of linear partial differential equations, existence of a solution...

Analytic functions in the unit disc sharing values in a sector

Hong-Yan Xu, Ting-Bin Cao (2012)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


We deal with the uniqueness of analytic functions in the unit disc sharing four distinct values and obtain two theorems improving a previous result given by Mao and Liu (2009).