The principal join property in demi-p-lattices
Cándida Palma (2006)
Mathematica Slovaca
Cándida Palma (2006)
Mathematica Slovaca
Н.А. Куликов (1990)
Algebra i Logika
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Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie
P. Rema (1965)
Fundamenta Mathematicae
Henri Mühle (2021)
Mathematica Bohemica
Distributive lattices form an important, well-behaved class of lattices. They are instances of two larger classes of lattices: congruence-uniform and semidistributive lattices. Congruence-uniform lattices allow for a remarkable second order of their elements: the core label order; semidistributive lattices naturally possess an associated flag simplicial complex: the canonical join complex. In this article we present a characterization of finite distributive lattices in terms of the core...
Aleksandr Kravchenko (2007)
Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications
We consider general properties of lattices of relative colour-families and antivarieties. Several results generalise the corresponding assertions about colour-families of undirected loopless graphs, see [1]. Conditions are indicated under which relative colour-families form a lattice. We prove that such a lattice is distributive. In the class of lattices of antivarieties of relation structures of finite signature, we distinguish the most complicated (universal) objects. Meet decompositions...
Ivan Rival, Bill Sands (1982)
Banach Center Publications
Hua Mao (2017)
Open Mathematics
We characterize complete atomistic lattices whose classification lattices are geometric. This implies an proper solution to a problem raised by S. Radeleczki in 2002.
Ján Jakubík, Tibor Katriňák (1982)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal