Displaying similar documents to “On an optimal setting of constant delays for the D-QSSA model reduction method applied to a class of chemical reaction networks”

Accurate reduction of a model of circadian rhythms by delayed quasi-steady state assumptions

Tomáš Vejchodský (2014)

Mathematica Bohemica


Quasi-steady state assumptions are often used to simplify complex systems of ordinary differential equations in the modelling of biochemical processes. The simplified system is designed to have the same qualitative properties as the original system and to have a small number of variables. This enables to use the stability and bifurcation analysis to reveal a deeper structure in the dynamics of the original system. This contribution shows that introducing delays to quasi-steady state...

Mathematical and numerical modelling of piezoelectric sensors

Sebastien Imperiale, Patrick Joly (2012)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique


The present work aims at proposing a rigorous analysis of the mathematical and numerical modelling of ultrasonic piezoelectric sensors. This includes the well-posedness of the final model, the rigorous justification of the underlying approximation and the design and analysis of numerical methods. More precisely, we first justify mathematically the classical quasi-static approximation that reduces the electric unknowns to a scalar electric potential. We next justify the reduction of the...

Mathematical and numerical modelling of piezoelectric sensors

Sebastien Imperiale, Patrick Joly (2012)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis


The present work aims at proposing a rigorous analysis of the mathematical and numerical modelling of ultrasonic piezoelectric sensors. This includes the well-posedness of the final model, the rigorous justification of the underlying approximation and the design and analysis of numerical methods. More precisely, we first justify mathematically the classical quasi-static approximation that reduces the electric unknowns to a scalar electric potential. We next justify the reduction of the...

Mathematical and numerical modelling of piezoelectric sensors

Sebastien Imperiale, Patrick Joly (2012)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis


The present work aims at proposing a rigorous analysis of the mathematical and numerical modelling of ultrasonic piezoelectric sensors. This includes the well-posedness of the final model, the rigorous justification of the underlying approximation and the design and analysis of numerical methods. More precisely, we first justify mathematically the classical quasi-static approximation that reduces the electric unknowns to a scalar electric potential. We next justify the reduction of the...

A mathematical model for file fragment diffusion and a neural predictor to manage priority queues over BitTorrent

Christian Napoli, Giuseppe Pappalardo, Emiliano Tramontana (2016)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


BitTorrent splits the files that are shared on a P2P network into fragments and then spreads these by giving the highest priority to the rarest fragment. We propose a mathematical model that takes into account several factors such as the peer distance, communication delays, and file fragment availability in a future period also by using a neural network module designed to model the behaviour of the peers. The ensemble comprising the proposed mathematical model and a neural network provides...

Core and equilibria in models of large household economy

Maria Ekes (2003)

Applicationes Mathematicae


The paper deals with models of household economy with infinitely many agents classified into a finite number of types. The notions of competitive equilibrium, core and quasi-core are examined with special emphasis on their mutual relations.

Modeling acquaintance networks based on balance theory

Vida Vukašinović, Jurij Šilc, Riste Škrekovski (2014)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


An acquaintance network is a social structure made up of a set of actors and the ties between them. These ties change dynamically as a consequence of incessant interactions between the actors. In this paper we introduce a social network model called the Interaction-Based (IB) model that involves well-known sociological principles. The connections between the actors and the strength of the connections are influenced by the continuous positive and negative interactions between the actors...

Arrow-Hahn economic models with weakened conditions of continuity

Inese Bula, Dace Rika (2006)

Banach Center Publications


In this article we give descriptions of some economic models that are based on Arrow-Hahn economic model. Finally we consider a model with two major assumptions: first, there is discontinuous excess demand function and, second, if price goes to zero, then it is possible that excess demand may approach infinity. For this last new economic model the existence of quasi-equilibrium is proved.