Displaying similar documents to “MkIV Hybrid Technology”

Creating a Kanji Stroke Order Font

Timothy Eyre (2010)

Zpravodaj Československého sdružení uživatelů TeXu


This article describes how a font that displays Kanji Stroke Orders can be created from thousands of svg files containing this information.

One Erdös style inequality

Tomáš J. Kepka, Petr C. Němec (2019)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


One unusual inequality is examined.

The Lvov years of Wacław Sierpiński

Andrzej Schinzel (2009)

Banach Center Publications


An account is given of Sierpiński's activity in Lvov (1908-1918) interrupted by World War I.


M. Chrobak, M. Habib, P. John, H. Sachs, H. Zernitz, J. R. Reay, G. Sierksma, M. M. Sysło, T. Traczyk, W. Wessel (1987)

Applicationes Mathematicae


MetaPost Definitions

Taco Hoekwater (2020)

Zpravodaj Československého sdružení uživatelů TeXu


The paper presents all syntactic rules for definitions in MetaPost. It contains many good and bad examples of definitions.

Two Applications of SWIGLIB: GraphicsMagick and Ghostscript

Luigi Scarso (2015)

Zpravodaj Československého sdružení uživatelů TeXu


We present two applications of SWIGLIB: a binding to the GraphicsMagick library that under certain conditions can speed up conversion of bitmaps by up to 20% and a binding to the Ghostscript library that simplifies the integration of PostScript programs in ConTeXt with the LuaTeX engine. Examples of TIFF conversion and barcodes in PostScript are shown.

Marking Proof-sheets in Publishing Practice and Its Implementation in the TeX System

Tomáš Hála (2011)

Zpravodaj Československého sdružení uživatelů TeXu


This paper deals with ways of marking proof-sheets in publishing practice. Four possible solutions are shown and discussed. Three of them are based on existing macros (page style ), or packages (fancyhdr.sty, zwpagelayout.sty), the fourth one is original and specific, and contains new style for LaTeX - thproof.sty.

A letter to Bohuš

Mirna Džamonja (2019)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


A few words about an old friend and a long-standing society.

The SWIGLIB Project

Luigi Scarso (2016)

Zpravodaj Československého sdružení uživatelů TeXu


The SWIGLIB project aims to show a way to build and distribute shared libraries for LuaTeX by means of SWIG. This paper depicts the infrastructure that has been created and the rationale behind it. Simple examples are shown.

ConTeXt for 'Zines

Timothy Eyre (2011)

Zpravodaj Československého sdružení uživatelů TeXu


The article describes the design of the New Escapologist magazine, our motivations for using ConTeXt, some of the typographical features of the magazine and my experiences with using the ConTeXtMark II macro package.





Sergej Čelikovský appointed new Editor-in-Chief of the Kybernetika Journal.

Integral formula for secantoptics and its application

Witold Mozgawa, Magdalena Skrzypiec (2012)

Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, sectio A – Mathematica


Some properties of secantoptics of ovals defined by Skrzypiec in 2008 were proved by Mozgawa and Skrzypiec in 2009. In this paper we generalize to this case results obtained by Cieslak, Miernowski and Mozgawa in 1996 and derive an integral formula for an annulus bounded by a given oval and its secantoptic. We describe the change of the area bounded by a secantoptic and find the differential equation for this function. We finish with some examples illustrating the above results. ...

Estimation of the noncentrality matrix of a noncentral Wishart distribution with unit scale matrix. A matrix generalization of Leung's domination result.

Heinz Neudecker (2004)



The main aim is to estimate the noncentrality matrix of a noncentral Wishart distribution. The method used is Leung's but generalized to a matrix loss function. Parallelly Leung's scalar noncentral Wishart identity is generalized to become a matrix identity. The concept of Löwner partial ordering of symmetric matrices is used.