Displaying similar documents to “Graceful signed graphs: II. The case of signed cycles with connected negative sections”

Graceful signed graphs

Mukti Acharya, Tarkeshwar Singh (2004)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


A ( p , q ) -sigraph S is an ordered pair ( G , s ) where G = ( V , E ) is a ( p , q ) -graph and s is a function which assigns to each edge of G a positive or a negative sign. Let the sets E + and E - consist of m positive and n negative edges of G , respectively, where m + n = q . Given positive integers k and d , S is said to be ( k , d ) -graceful if the vertices of G can be labeled with distinct integers from the set { 0 , 1 , , k + ( q - 1 ) d } such that when each edge u v of G is assigned the product of its sign and the absolute difference of the integers assigned to...

Decomposition of complete graphs into ( 0 , 2 ) -prisms

Sylwia Cichacz, Soleh Dib, Dalibor Fronček (2014)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


R. Frucht and J. Gallian (1988) proved that bipartite prisms of order 2 n have an α -labeling, thus they decompose the complete graph K 6 n x + 1 for any positive integer x . We use a technique called the ρ + -labeling introduced by S. I. El-Zanati, C. Vanden Eynden, and N. Punnim (2001) to show that also some other families of 3-regular bipartite graphs of order 2 n called generalized prisms decompose the complete graph K 6 n x + 1 for any positive integer x .

Labeling the vertex amalgamation of graphs

Ramon M. Figueroa-Centeno, Rikio Ichishima, Francesc A. Muntaner-Batle (2003)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


A graph G of size q is graceful if there exists an injective function f:V(G)→ 0,1,...,q such that each edge uv of G is labeled |f(u)-f(v)| and the resulting edge labels are distinct. Also, a (p,q) graph G with q ≥ p is harmonious if there exists an injective function f : V ( G ) Z q such that each edge uv of G is labeled f(u) + f(v) mod q and the resulting edge labels are distinct, whereas G is felicitous if there exists an injective function f : V ( G ) Z q + 1 such that each edge uv of G is labeled f(u) + f(v) mod...

New edge neighborhood graphs

Ali A. Ali, Salar Y. Alsardary (1997)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let G be an undirected simple connected graph, and e = u v be an edge of G . Let N G ( e ) be the subgraph of G induced by the set of all vertices of G which are not incident to e but are adjacent to u or v . Let 𝒩 e be the class of all graphs H such that, for some graph G , N G ( e ) H for every edge e of G . Zelinka [3] studied edge neighborhood graphs and obtained some special graphs in 𝒩 e . Balasubramanian and Alsardary [1] obtained some other graphs in 𝒩 e . In this paper we given some new graphs in 𝒩 e .

Rotation and jump distances between graphs

Gary Chartrand, Heather Gavlas, Héctor Hevia, Mark A. Johnson (1997)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


A graph H is obtained from a graph G by an edge rotation if G contains three distinct vertices u,v, and w such that uv ∈ E(G), uw ∉ E(G), and H = G-uv+uw. A graph H is obtained from a graph G by an edge jump if G contains four distinct vertices u,v,w, and x such that uv ∈ E(G), wx∉ E(G), and H = G-uv+wx. If a graph H is obtained from a graph G by a sequence of edge jumps, then G is said to be j-transformed into H. It is shown that for every two graphs G and H of the same order (at least...