Displaying similar documents to “Ideals of homogeneous polynomials and weakly compact approximation property in Banach spaces”

Polynomials and geometry of Banach spaces.

Joaquín M. Gutiérrez, Jesús A. Jaramillo, José G. Llavona (1995)

Extracta Mathematicae


In this paper we survey a large part of the results on polynomials on Banach spaces that have been obtained in recent years. We mainly look at how the polynomials behave in connection with certain geometric properties of the spaces.

Polynomial characterizations of Banach spaces not containing l.

Joaquín M. Gutiérrez (1991)

Extracta Mathematicae


Many properties of Banach spaces can be given in terms of (linear bounded) operators. It is natural to ask if they can also be formulated in terms of polynomial, holomorphic and continuous mappings. In this note we deal with Banach spaces not containing an isomorphic copy of l, the space of absolutely summable sequences of scalars.

On Banach spaces which are M-ideals in their biduals.

Juan Carlos Cabello Piñar (1990)

Extracta Mathematicae


A Banach space X is an M-ideal in its bidual if the relation ||f + w|| = ||f|| + ||w|| holds for every f in X* and every w in X. The class of the Banach spaces which are M-ideals in their biduals, in short, the class of M-embedded spaces, has been carefully investigated, in particular by A. Lima, G. Godefroy and the West Berlin School. The spaces c0(I) -I any set- equipped with their canonical norm belong...

Containing l or c and best approximation.

Juan Carlos Cabello Piñar (1990)

Collectanea Mathematica


The purpose of this paper is to obtain sufficient conditions, for a Banach space X to contain or exclude c0 or l1, in terms of the sets of best approximants in X for the elements in the bidual space.

Remarks on the weak-polynomial convergence on a Banach space.

Jesús A. Jaramillo, Angeles Prieto Yerro (1991)

Extracta Mathematicae


We shall be concerned in this note with some questions posed by Carne, Cole and Gamelin in [3], involving the weak-polynomial convergence and its relation to the tightness of certain algebras of analytic functions on a Banach space.