Displaying similar documents to “Statistical maps: a categorical approach”

Alternative definitions of conditional possibilistic measures

Ivan Kramosil (1998)



The aim of this paper is to survey and discuss, very briefly, some ways how to introduce, within the framework of possibilistic measures, a notion analogous to that of conditional probability measure in probability theory. The adjective “analogous” in the last sentence is to mean that the conditional possibilistic measures should play the role of a mathematical tool to actualize one’s degrees of beliefs expressed by an a priori possibilistic measure, having obtained some further information...

Many-dimensional observables on Łukasiewicz tribe: constructions, conditioning and conditional independence

Tomáš Kroupa (2005)



Probability on collections of fuzzy sets can be developed as a generalization of the classical probability on σ -algebras of sets. A Łukasiewicz tribe is a collection of fuzzy sets which is closed under the standard fuzzy complementation and under the pointwise application of the Łukasiewicz t-norm to countably many fuzzy sets. An observable is a fuzzy set-valued mapping defined on a σ -algebra of sets and satisfying some additional properties; formally, the role of an observable is in...

An extended problem to Bertrand's paradox

Mostafa K. Ardakani, Shaun S. Wulff (2014)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics


Bertrand's paradox is a longstanding problem within the classical interpretation of probability theory. The solutions 1/2, 1/3, and 1/4 were proposed using three different approaches to model the problem. In this article, an extended problem, of which Bertrand's paradox is a special case, is proposed and solved. For the special case, it is shown that the corresponding solution is 1/3. Moreover, the reasons of inconsistency are discussed and a proper modeling approach is determined by...