Displaying similar documents to “The second order optimality conditions for nonlinear mathematical programming with C 1 , 1 data”

Second-order optimality conditions for nondominated solutions of multiobjective programming with C 1 , 1 data

Liping Liu, Pekka Neittaanmäki, Michal Křížek (2000)

Applications of Mathematics


We examine new second-order necessary conditions and sufficient conditions which characterize nondominated solutions of a generalized constrained multiobjective programming problem. The vector-valued criterion function as well as constraint functions are supposed to be from the class C 1 , 1 . Second-order optimality conditions for local Pareto solutions are derived as a special case.

Saddle points criteria via a second order η -approximation approach for nonlinear mathematical programming involving second order invex functions

Tadeusz Antczak (2011)



In this paper, by using the second order η -approximation method introduced by Antczak [3], new saddle point results are obtained for a nonlinear mathematical programming problem involving second order invex functions with respect to the same function η . Moreover, a second order η -saddle point and a second order η -Lagrange function are defined for the so-called second order η -approximated optimization problem constructed in this method. Then, the equivalence between an optimal solution...

A second order η -approximation method for constrained optimization problems involving second order invex functions

Tadeusz Antczak (2009)

Applications of Mathematics


A new approach for obtaining the second order sufficient conditions for nonlinear mathematical programming problems which makes use of second order derivative is presented. In the so-called second order η -approximation method, an optimization problem associated with the original nonlinear programming problem is constructed that involves a second order η -approximation of both the objective function and the constraint function constituting the original problem. The equivalence between...