Displaying similar documents to “The structure of nonlinear time delay systems”

Observability and observers for nonlinear systems with time delays

Luis Alejandro Márquez-Martínez, Claude H. Moog, Martín Velasco-Villa (2002)



Basic properties on linearization by output injection are investigated in this paper. A special structure is sought which is linear up to a suitable output injection and under a suitable change of coordinates. It is shown how an observer may be designed using theory available for linear time delay systems.

On generalized Popov theory for delay systems

Silviu-Iulian Niculescu, Vlad Ionescu, Dan Ivanescu, Luc Dugard, Jean-Michel Dion (2000)



This paper focuses on the Popov generalized theory for a class of some linear systems including discrete and distributed delays. Sufficient conditions for stabilizing such systems as well as for coerciveness of an appropriate quadratic cost are developed. The obtained results are applied for the design of a memoryless state feedback control law which guarantees the (exponential) closed-loop stability with an 2 norm bound constraint on disturbance attenuation. Note that the proposed results...

An asymptotic state observer for a class of nonlinear delay systems

Alfredo Germani, Costanzo Manes, Pierdomenico Pepe (2001)



The problem of state reconstruction from input and output measurements for nonlinear time delay systems is studied in this paper and a state observer is proposed that is easy to implement and, under suitable assumptions on the system and on the input function, gives exponential observation error decay. The proposed observer is itself a delay system and can be classified as an identity observer, in that it is such that if at a given time instant the system and observer states coincide,...

Control of distributed delay systems with uncertainties: a generalized Popov theory approach

Dan Ivanescu, Silviu-Iulian Niculescu, Jean-Michel Dion, Luc Dugard (2001)



The paper deals with the generalized Popov theory applied to uncertain systems with distributed time delay. Sufficient conditions for stabilizing this class of delayed systems as well as for γ -attenuation achievement are given in terms of algebraic properties of a Popov system via a Liapunov–Krasovskii functional. The considered approach is new in the context of distributed linear time-delay systems and gives some interesting interpretations of H memoryless control problems in terms...