Volatility model risk measurement and against worst case volatilities
Risklab project in model risk (2000)
Journal de la société française de statistique
Risklab project in model risk (2000)
Journal de la société française de statistique
Josephy, N., Kimball, L., Steblovskaya, V. (2008)
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis
Wang, J.K. (2001)
Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society
Martin Šmíd, Miloš Kopa (2017)
We model a market with multiple liquidity takers and a single market maker maximizing his discounted consumption while keeping a prescribed probability of bankruptcy. We show that, given this setting, spread and price bias (a difference between the midpoint- and the expected fair price) depend solely on the MM's inventory and his uncertainty concerning the fair price. Tested on ten-second data from ten US electronic markets, our model gives significant results with the price bias decreasing...
Abdelmalek, Wafa, Ben Hamida, Sana, Abid, Fathi (2009)
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences
P. Sztuba, A. Weron (2001)
Applicationes Mathematicae
We show how to use the Gaussian HJM model to price modified forward-start options. Using data from the Polish market we calibrate the model and price this exotic option on the term structure. The specific problems of Central Eastern European emerging markets do not permit the use of the popular lognormal models of forward LIBOR or swap rates. We show how to overcome this difficulty.
Li-Hui Chen (2010)
The Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research
L. Ustinovichius, V. Podvezko, R. Ginevicius (2006)
Control and Cybernetics
Jandačka, Martin, Ševčovič, Daniel (2005)
Journal of Applied Mathematics
McCauley, Joseph L., Küffner, Cornelia M. (2004)
Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society
Ton Vorst (1990)
Banach Center Publications
Aurélien Alfonsi, Antje Fruth, Alexander Schied (2008)
Banach Center Publications
We consider the problem of optimally placing market orders so as to minimize the expected liquidity costs from buying a given amount of shares. The liquidity price impact of market orders is described by an extension of a model for a limit order book with resilience that was proposed by Obizhaeva and Wang (2006). We extend their model by allowing for a time-dependent resilience rate, arbitrary trading times, and general equilibrium dynamics for the unaffected bid and ask prices. Our...