Displaying similar documents to “Aggregation operators from the ancient NC and EM point of view”

Aggregation, Non-Contradiction and Excluded-Middle.

Ana Pradera, Enric Trillas (2006)

Mathware and Soft Computing


This paper investigates the satisfaction of the Non-Contradiction (NC) and Excluded-Middle (EM) laws within the domain of aggregation operators. It provides characterizations both for those aggregation operators that satisfy NC/EM with respect to (w.r.t.) some given strong negation, as well as for those satisfying them w.r.t. any strong negation. The results obtained are applied to some of the most important known classes of aggregation operators.

Construction of aggregation operators: new composition method

Tomasa Calvo, Andrea Mesiarová, Ľubica Valášková (2003)



A new construction method for aggregation operators based on a composition of aggregation operators is proposed. Several general properties of this construction method are recalled. Further, several special cases are discussed. It is also shown, that this construction generalizes a recently introduced twofold integral, which is exactly a composition of the Choquet and Sugeno integral by means of a min operator.

Nonparametric recursive aggregation process

Elena Tsiporkova, Veselka Boeva (2004)



In this work we introduce a nonparametric recursive aggregation process called Multilayer Aggregation (MLA). The name refers to the fact that at each step the results from the previous one are aggregated and thus, before the final result is derived, the initial values are subjected to several layers of aggregation. Most of the conventional aggregation operators, as for instance weighted mean, combine numerical values according to a vector of weights (parameters). Alternatively, the MLA...

Additive combinations of special operators

Pei Wu (1994)

Banach Center Publications


This is a survey paper on additive combinations of certain special-type operators on a Hilbert space. We consider (finite) linear combinations, sums, convex combinations and/or averages of operators from the classes of diagonal operators, unitary operators, isometries, projections, symmetries, idempotents, square-zero operators, nilpotent operators, quasinilpotent operators, involutions, commutators, self-commutators, norm-attaining operators, numerical-radius-attaining operators, irreducible...