Displaying similar documents to “On a local property of the unoriented graph of a modular multilattice”

A Distance-Based Method for Attribute Reduction in Incomplete Decision Systems

Demetrovics, Janos, Thi, Vu Duc, Giang, Nguyen Long (2013)

Serdica Journal of Computing


There are limitations in recent research undertaken on attribute reduction in incomplete decision systems. In this paper, we propose a distance-based method for attribute reduction in an incomplete decision system. In addition, we prove theoretically that our method is more effective than some other methods.

Inequality-sum : a global constraint capturing the objective function

Jean-Charles Régin, Michel Rueher (2005)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle


This paper introduces a new method to prune the domains of the variables in constrained optimization problems where the objective function is defined by a sum y = Σ x i , and where the integer variables x i are subject to difference constraints of the form x j - x i c . An important application area where such problems occur is deterministic scheduling with the mean flow time as optimality criteria. This new constraint is also more general than a sum constraint defined on a set of ordered variables. Classical...