Reductive compactifications of semitopological semigroups.
Fattahi, Abdolmajid, Pourabdollah, Mohamad Ali, Sahleh, Abbas (2003)
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Fattahi, Abdolmajid, Pourabdollah, Mohamad Ali, Sahleh, Abbas (2003)
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
D. Monk, F. Sioson (1966)
Fundamenta Mathematicae
Roman Urban (2007)
Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux
We prove density modulo of the sets of the form where is a pair of rationally independent algebraic integers of degree satisfying some additional assumptions, and is any sequence of real numbers.
Robert E. Hall (1971)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
Torben Maack Bisgaard (2001)
Collectanea Mathematica
Semiperfect semigroups are abelian involution semigroups on which every positive semidefinite function admits a disintegration as an integral of hermitian multiplicative functions. Famous early instances are the group on integers (Herglotz Theorem) and the semigroup of nonnegative integers (Hamburger's Theorem). In the present paper, semiperfect semigroups are characterized within a certain class of semigroups. The paper ends with a necessary condition for the semiperfectness of a finitely...