Displaying similar documents to “Smoothing and preservation of irregularities using local linear fitting”

Empirical comparison between the Nelson-Aalen Estimator and the Naive Local Constant Estimator.

Ana María Pérez-Marín (2008)



The Nelson-Aalen estimator is widely used in biostatistics as a non-parametric estimator of the cumulative hazard function based on a right censored sample. A number of alternative estimators can be mentioned, namely, the naive local constant estimator (Guillén, Nielsen and Pérez-Marín, 2007) which provides improved bias versus variance properties compared to the traditional Nelson-Aalen estimator. Nevertheless, an empirical comparison of these two estimators has never been carried out....

On robust GMM estimation with applications in economics and finance

Ansgar Steland (2000)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics


Generalized Methods of Moments (GMM) estimators are a popular tool in econometrics since introduced by Hansen (1982), because this approach provides feasible solutions for many problems present in economic data where least squares or maximum likelihood methods fail when naively applied. These problems may arise in errors-in-variable regression, estimation of labor demand curves, and asset pricing in finance, which are discussed here. In this paper we study a GMM estimator for the rank...

Using randomization to improve performance of a variance estimator of strongly dependent errors

Artur Bryk (2012)

Applicationes Mathematicae


We consider a fixed-design regression model with long-range dependent errors which form a moving average or Gaussian process. We introduce an artificial randomization of grid points at which observations are taken in order to diminish the impact of strong dependence. We estimate the variance of the errors using the Rice estimator. The estimator is shown to exhibit weak (i.e. in probability) consistency. Simulation results confirm this property for moderate and large sample sizes when...

Asymptotic unbiased density estimators

Nicolas W. Hengartner, Éric Matzner-Løber (2009)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics


This paper introduces a computationally tractable density estimator that has the same asymptotic variance as the classical Nadaraya-Watson density estimator but whose asymptotic bias is zero. We achieve this result using a two stage estimator that applies a multiplicative bias correction to an oversmooth pilot estimator. Simulations show that our asymptotic results are available for samples as low as , where we see an improvement of as much as 20% over the traditionnal estimator. ...

On-line nonparametric estimation.

Rafail Khasminskii (2004)



A survey of some recent results on nonparametric on-line estimation is presented. The first result deals with an on-line estimation for a smooth signal S(t) in the classic 'signal plus Gaussian white noise' model. Then an analogous on-line estimator for the regression estimation problem with equidistant design is described and justified. Finally some preliminary results related to the on-line estimation for the diffusion observed process are described.

Adaptive trimmed likelihood estimation in regression

Tadeusz Bednarski, Brenton R. Clarke, Daniel Schubert (2010)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics


In this paper we derive an asymptotic normality result for an adaptive trimmed likelihood estimator of regression starting from initial high breakdownpoint robust regression estimates. The approach leads to quickly and easily computed robust and efficient estimates for regression. A highlight of the method is that it tends automatically in one algorithm to expose the outliers and give least squares estimates with the outliers removed. The idea is to begin with a rapidly computed consistent...

Redescending M-estimators in regression analysis, cluster analysis and image analysis

Christine H. Müller (2004)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics


We give a review on the properties and applications of M-estimators with redescending score function. For regression analysis, some of these redescending M-estimators can attain the maximum breakdown point which is possible in this setup. Moreover, some of them are the solutions of the problem of maximizing the efficiency under bounded influence function when the regression coefficient and the scale parameter are estimated simultaneously. Hence redescending M-estimators satisfy several...