Two near-isometry invariants of Banach spaces
Robert A. McGuigan, Jr. (1970)
Compositio Mathematica
Robert A. McGuigan, Jr. (1970)
Compositio Mathematica
Clifford Kottman (1975)
Studia Mathematica
Carlos Benítez, Krzysztof Przesławski, David Yost (1998)
Studia Mathematica
We define a handy new modulus for normed spaces. More precisely, given any normed space X, we define in a canonical way a function ξ:[0,1)→ ℝ which depends only on the two-dimensional subspaces of X. We show that this function is strictly increasing and convex, and that its behaviour is intimately connected with the geometry of X. In particular, ξ tells us whether or not X is uniformly smooth, uniformly convex, uniformly non-square or an inner product space.
Şerb, Ioan (2001)
Mathematica Pannonica
Cardwell, Antonia E. (2006)
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
J. Väisälä (1992)
Studia Mathematica
We show that a normed space E is a Banach space if and only if there is no bilipschitz map of E onto E ∖ {0}.
Patrick N. Dowling (2000)
Collectanea Mathematica
We obtain refinement of a result of Partington on Banach spaces containing isomorphic copies of l-∞. Motivated by this result, we prove that Banach spaces containing asymptotically isometric copies of l-∞ must contain isometric copies of l-∞.
Nygaard, Olav (2002)
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
V. Montesinos, J. R. Torregrosa (1991)
Collectanea Mathematica
In this paper we prove that the geometrical notions of Rotundity and Uniform Rotundity of the norm in a Banach space are stable for the generalized Banach products.