Displaying similar documents to “Asymptotically optimal filtering in linear systems with fractional Brownian noises.”

Separation principle in the fractional Gaussian linear-quadratic regulator problem with partial observation

Marina L. Kleptsyna, Alain Le Breton, Michel Viot (2008)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics


In this paper we solve the basic fractional analogue of the classical linear-quadratic Gaussian regulator problem in continuous-time with partial observation. For a controlled linear system where both the state and observation processes are driven by fractional Brownian motions, we describe explicitly the optimal control policy which minimizes a quadratic performance criterion. Actually, we show that a separation principle holds, , the optimal control separates into two stages based...

Ergodic control of linear stochastic equations in a Hilbert space with fractional Brownian motion

Tyrone E. Duncan, B. Maslowski, B. Pasik-Duncan (2015)

Banach Center Publications


A linear-quadratic control problem with an infinite time horizon for some infinite dimensional controlled stochastic differential equations driven by a fractional Brownian motion is formulated and solved. The feedback form of the optimal control and the optimal cost are given explicitly. The optimal control is the sum of the well known linear feedback control for the associated infinite dimensional deterministic linear-quadratic control problem and a suitable prediction of the adjoint...

On the infinite time horizon linear-quadratic regulator problem under a fractional Brownian perturbation

Marina L. Kleptsyna, Alain Le Breton, Michel Viot (2010)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics


In this paper we solve the basic fractional analogue of the classical infinite time horizon linear-quadratic Gaussian regulator problem. For a completely observable controlled linear system driven by a fractional Brownian motion, we describe explicitely the optimal control policy which minimizes an asymptotic quadratic performance criterion.