Displaying similar documents to “Spaces of continuous functions taking their values in the ε-product.”

Some properties of the tensor product of Schwartz εb-spaces.

Belmesnaoui Aqzzouz, M. Hassan el Alj, Redouane Nouira (2007)



We define the ε-product of an εb-space by quotient bornological spaces and we show that if G is a Schwartz εb-space and E|F is a quotient bornological space, then their ε-product Gε(E|F) defined in [2] is isomorphic to the quotient bornological space (GεE)|(GεF).

A converse to Amir-Lindenstrauss theorem in complex Banach spaces.

Ondrej F. K. Kalenda (2006)



We show that a complex Banach space is weakly Lindelöf determined if and only if the dual unit ball of any equivalent norm is weak* Valdivia compactum. We deduce that a complex Banach space X is weakly Lindelöf determined if and only if any nonseparable Banach space isomorphic to a complemented subspace of X admits a projectional resolution of the identity. These results complete the previous ones on real spaces.

Concrete subspaces and quotient spaces of locally convex spaces and completing sequences

Süleyman Önal, Tosun Terzioğlu


CONTENTSIntroduction..................................................................................51. Almost bounded sets and operators........................................62. Eidelheit’s theorem................................................................133. Nuclear Köthe quotients.........................................................204. Nuclear Köthe subspaces and completing sequences...........225. Applications...........................................................................256....

A survey on the Szlenk index and some of its applications.

Gilles Lancien (2006)



We describe how the Szlenk index has been used in various areas of the geometry of Banach spaces. We cover the following domains of application of this notion: non existence of universal spaces, linear classification of C(K) spaces, descriptive set theory, renorming problems and non linear classification of Banach spaces.