On some properties of p-nuclear and p-integral operators
Arne Persson (1969)
Studia Mathematica
Arne Persson (1969)
Studia Mathematica
Philip J. Boland, Seán Dineen (1978)
Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France
Jean Schmets, Manuel Valdivia (2003)
Si K es un compacto no vacío en R, damos una condición suficiente para que la inyección canónica de ε(K) en ε(K) sea nuclear. Consideramos el caso mixto y obtenemos la existencia de un operador de extensión nuclear de ε(F) en ε(R) donde F es un subconjunto cerrado propio de R y A y D son discos de Banach adecuados. Finalmente aplicamos este último resultado al caso Borel, es decir cuando F = {0}.
C. Piñeiro (1996)
Collectanea Mathematica
M. Ramanujan, T. Terzioglu (1975)
Studia Mathematica
Mário C. Matos (2003)
Collectanea Mathematica
The space of the fully absolutely (r;r1,...,rn)-summing n-linear mappings between Banach spaces is introduced along with a natural (quasi-)norm on it. If r,rk C [1,+infinite], k=1,...,n, this space is characterized as the topological dual of a space of virtually nuclear mappings. Other examples and properties are considered and a relationship with a topological tensor product is stablished. For Hilbert spaces and r = r1 = ... = rn C [2,+infinite[ this space is isomorphic to the space...
Ed Dubinsky (1972)
Studia Mathematica
Seán Dineen (1982)
Studia Mathematica
Jörg Krone, Volker Walldorf (1998)
Studia Mathematica
The following result is proved: Let E be a complemented subspace with an r-finite-dimensional decomposition of a nuclear Köthe space λ(A). Then E has a basis.
M. de Wilde (1972)
Studia Mathematica