Displaying similar documents to “Extending algebraic actions.”

On equivariant deformations of maps.

Antonio Vidal (1988)

Publicacions Matemàtiques


We work in the smooth category: manifolds and maps are meant to be smooth. Let G be a finite group acting on a connected closed manifold X and f an equivariant self-map on X with f|A fixpointfree, where A is a closed invariant submanifold of X with codim A ≥ 3. The purpose of this paper is to give a proof using obstruction theory of the following fact: If X is simply connected and the action of G on X - A is free, then f is equivariantly deformable rel. A to fixed...

Equivariant degree of convex-valued maps applied to set-valued BVP

Zdzisław Dzedzej (2012)

Open Mathematics


An equivariant degree is defined for equivariant completely continuous multivalued vector fields with compact convex values. Then it is applied to obtain a result on existence of solutions to a second order BVP for differential inclusions carrying some symmetries.