The bounded approximation property for weakly uniformly continuous type holomorphic mappings.
E. Çaliskan (2007)
Extracta Mathematicae
E. Çaliskan (2007)
Extracta Mathematicae
Do Duc Thai (1992)
Annales Polonici Mathematici
We give a simple proof of the result that if D is a (not necessarily bounded) hyperbolic convex domain in then the set V of fixed points of a holomorphic map f:D → D is a connected complex submanifold of D; if V is not empty, V is a holomorphic retract of D. Moreover, we extend these results to the case of convex domains in a locally convex Hausdorff vector space.
B.M. Ramadisha, V.A. Babalola (2004)
Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics
C. M. Eoff (1992)
Annales Polonici Mathematici
The p-envelope of an F-space is the p-convex analogue of the Fréchet envelope. We show that if an F-space is locally bounded (i.e., a quasi-Banach space) with separating dual, then the p-envelope coincides with the Banach envelope only if the space is already locally convex. By contrast, we give examples of F-spaces with are not locally bounded nor locally convex for which the p-envelope and the Fréchet envelope are the same.
Holger Alex, Siegfried Hahn, Lothar Kaniok (1994)
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae
We introduce the relative fixed point index for a class of noncompact operators on special subsets of non locally convex spaces.
Sven Bartels, Diethard Pallaschke (1994)
Applicationes Mathematicae
Two properties concerning the space of differences of sublinear functions D(X) for a real Banach space X are proved. First, we show that for a real separable Banach space (X,‖·‖) there exists a countable family of seminorms such that D(X) becomes a Fréchet space. For X = ℝ^n this construction yields a norm such that D(ℝ^n) becomes a Banach space. Furthermore, we show that for a real Banach space with a smooth dual every sublinear Lipschitzian function can be expressed by the Fenchel...
Jolanta Plewnia (1993)
Annales Polonici Mathematici
If C is a non-empty convex subset of a real linear space E, p: E → ℝ is a sublinear function and f:C → ℝ is concave and such that f ≤ p on C, then there exists a linear function g:E → ℝ such that g ≤ p on E and f ≤ g on C. In this result of Hirano, Komiya and Takahashi we replace the sublinearity of p by convexity.
Petrosyan, A.I. (2007)
Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae. New Series
Pathak, H.K., Khan, M.S. (2009)
Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications [electronic only]
Luiza A. Moraes, Otilia W. Paques, M. Carmelina F. Zaine (1995)
Annales Polonici Mathematici
Let E be a complex Hausdorff locally convex space such that the strong dual E’ of E is sequentially complete, let F be a closed linear subspace of E and let U be a uniformly open subset of E. We denote by Π: E → E/F the canonical quotient mapping. In §1 we study the factorization of uniformly holomorphic functions through π. In §2 we study F-quotients of uniform type and introduce the concept of envelope of uF-holomorphy of a connected uniformly open subset U of E. The main result states...