Introduction to the Theory of the It-type Stochastic Integrals and Stochastic Differential Equations
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Zbornik Radova
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Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni
We study regularity of stochastic convolutions solving Volterra equations on driven by a spatially homogeneous Wiener process. General results are applied to stochastic parabolic equations with fractional powers of Laplacian.
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First we give an implementation in Mizar [2] basic important definitions of stochastic finance, i.e. filtration ([9], pp. 183 and 185), adapted stochastic process ([9], p. 185) and predictable stochastic process ([6], p. 224). Second we give some concrete formalization and verification to real world examples. In article [8] we started to define random variables for a similar presentation to the book [6]. Here we continue this study. Next we define the stochastic process. For further...
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A random measure associated to a semimartingale is introduced. We use it to investigate properties of several types of stochastic integrals and properties of the solution set of Stratonovich-type stochastic inclusion.
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International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences