Displaying similar documents to “Discrete-time adaptive control using a sliding mode.”

Control of an induction motor using sliding mode linearization

Erik Etien, Sébastien Cauet, Laurent Rambault, Gérard Champenois (2002)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


Nonlinear control of the squirrel induction motor is designed using sliding mode theory. The developed approach leads to the design of a sliding mode controller in order to linearize the behaviour of an induction motor. The second problem described in the paper is decoupling between two physical outputs: the rotor speed and the rotor flux modulus. The sliding mode tools allow us to separate the control from these two outputs. To take account of parametric variations, a model-based approach...

An example of the knowledge based controller-design and evaluation.

Oto Tezak (1999)

Mathware and Soft Computing


Knowledge based controller for a balance control model is presented in this paper. The design of the controller was based on the human control of the same process. Developed controller is tested by means of simulation and operation on the laboratory balance control model. The simulation results of the controller as well as a statistical description of the experiments with developed controller and human control is presented in the paper. Verification is based on experiments with an intelligent...

Robust quasi NID aircraft 3D flight control under sensor noise

Marian J. Błachuta, Valery D. Yurkevich, Konrad Wojciechowski (1999)



In the paper the design of an aircraft motion controller based on the Dynamic Contraction Method is presented. The control task is formulated as a tracking problem for Euler angles, where the desired decoupled output transients are accomplished under assumption of high-level, high-frequency sensor noise and incomplete information about varying parameters of the system and external disturbances. The resulting controller has a simple form of a combination of a low-order linear dynamical...

Output consensus of nonlinear multi-agent systems with unknown control directions

Yutao Tang (2015)



In this paper, we consider an output consensus problem for a general class of nonlinear multi-agent systems without a prior knowledge of the agents' control directions. Two distributed Nussbaum-type control laws are proposed to solve the leaderless and leader-following adaptive consensus for heterogeneous multiple agents. Examples and simulations are given to verify their effectiveness.

Control error dynamic modification as an efficient tool for reduction of effects introduced by actuator constraints

Krzysztof B. Janiszowski (2009)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


A modification of digital controller algorithms, based on the introduction of a virtual reference value, which never exceeds active constraints in the actuator output is presented and investigated for some algorithms used in single-loop control systems. This idea, derived from virtual modification of a control error, can be used in digital control systems subjected to both magnitude and rate constraints. The modification is introduced in the form of on-line adaptation to the control...