Maxima and minima of stationary random sequences under a local dependence restriction.
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Portugaliae Mathematica
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Portugaliae Mathematica
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Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
In this study, we determine when the Diophantine equation has an infinite number of positive integer solutions and for Moreover, we give all positive integer solutions of the same equation for in terms of generalized Fibonacci sequence. Lastly, we formulate a conjecture related to the Diophantine equation .
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Electronic Journal of Probability [electronic only]
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Applicationes Mathematicae
Let us consider two independent renewal processes generated by appropriate sequences of life times. We say that a renewal time is accepted if in the time between a signal and the preceding one, some signal of the second process occurs. Our purpose is to analyze the sequences of accepted renewals. For simplicity we consider continuous and discrete time separately. In the first case we mainly consider the renewal process rarefied by the Poisson process, in the second we analyze the process...
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Fixed Point Theory and Applications [electronic only]
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Boundary Value Problems [electronic only]
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Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii “Ovidius" Constanţa. Seria: Matematică