Displaying similar documents to “Averaging and stability of quasilinear functional differential equations with Markov parameters.”

Asymptotic stability condition for stochastic Markovian systems of differential equations

Efraim Shmerling (2010)

Mathematica Bohemica


Asymptotic stability of the zero solution for stochastic jump parameter systems of differential equations given by d X ( t ) = A ( ξ ( t ) ) X ( t ) d t + H ( ξ ( t ) ) X ( t ) d w ( t ) , where ξ ( t ) is a finite-valued Markov process and w(t) is a standard Wiener process, is considered. It is proved that the existence of a unique positive solution of the system of coupled Lyapunov matrix equations derived in the paper is a necessary asymptotic stability condition.

Random Dynamical Systems with Jumps and with a Function Type Intensity

Joanna Kubieniec (2016)

Annales Mathematicae Silesianae


In paper [4] there are considered random dynamical systems with randomly chosen jumps acting on Polish spaces. The intensity of this process is a constant λ. In this paper we formulate criteria for the existence of an invariant measure and asymptotic stability for these systems in the case when λ is not constant but a Lipschitz function.

Invariant measures for random dynamical systems

Katarzyna Horbacz


We consider random dynamical systems with randomly chosen jumps on Polish spaces. They generalize Markov processes corresponding to iterated function systems, Poisson driven stochastic differential equations, and irreducible Markov systems. We formulate criteria for the existence of an invariant measure and asymptotic stability for these systems. Estimates of the lower pointwise and concentration dimension of invariant measures are also given.

Note on stability estimation in average Markov control processes

Jaime Martínez Sánchez, Elena Zaitseva (2015)



We study the stability of average optimal control of general discrete-time Markov processes. Under certain ergodicity and Lipschitz conditions the stability index is bounded by a constant times the Prokhorov distance between distributions of random vectors determinating the “original and the perturbated” control processes.

A criterion of asymptotic stability for Markov-Feller e-chains on Polish spaces

Dawid Czapla (2012)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


Stettner [Bull. Polish Acad. Sci. Math. 42 (1994)] considered the asymptotic stability of Markov-Feller chains, provided the sequence of transition probabilities of the chain converges to an invariant probability measure in the weak sense and converges uniformly with respect to the initial state variable on compact sets. We extend those results to the setting of Polish spaces and relax the original assumptions. Finally, we present a class of Markov-Feller chains with a linear state space...

Asymptotic stability of a linear Boltzmann-type equation

Roksana Brodnicka, Henryk Gacki (2014)

Applicationes Mathematicae


We present a new necessary and sufficient condition for the asymptotic stability of Markov operators acting on the space of signed measures. The proof is based on some special properties of the total variation norm. Our method allows us to consider the Tjon-Wu equation in a linear form. More precisely a new proof of the asymptotic stability of a stationary solution of the Tjon-Wu equation is given.