Solvability of a multi-point boundary value problen of Neumann type.
Gupta, Chaitan P., Trofimchuk, Sergei (1999)
Abstract and Applied Analysis
Gupta, Chaitan P., Trofimchuk, Sergei (1999)
Abstract and Applied Analysis
Chaitan P. Gupta (2007)
Applications of Mathematics
This paper is devoted to the problem of existence of a solution for a non-resonant, non-linear generalized multi-point boundary value problem on the interval . The existence of a solution is obtained using topological degree and some a priori estimates for functions satisfying the boundary conditions specified in the problem.
Krutitskii, Pavel A. (2001)
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Huseyin Bereketoglu, Aydin Huseynov (2006)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
In this paper we study nonlinear second order differential equations subject to separated linear boundary conditions and to linear impulse conditions. Sign properties of an associated Green’s function are investigated and existence results for positive solutions of the nonlinear boundary value problem with impulse are established. Upper and lower bounds for positive solutions are also given.
Avramescu, Cezar, Vladimirescu, Cristian (2000)
Abstract and Applied Analysis
Watkins, Will (2001)
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
García-Huidobro, M., Gupta, C.P., Manásevich, R. (2001)
Abstract and Applied Analysis
Gupta, Chaitan P. (1995)
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Benchohra, Mouffak, Nieto, Juan J., Ouahab, Abdelghani (2011)
Boundary Value Problems [electronic only]