Displaying similar documents to “A user study in similarity measures for graph drawing.”

Can interestingness measures be usefully visualized?

Robert Susmaga, Izabela Szczech (2015)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


The paper presents visualization techniques for interestingness measures. The process of measure visualization provides useful insights into different domain areas of the visualized measures and thus effectively assists their comprehension and selection for different knowledge discovery tasks. Assuming a common domain form of the visualized measures, a set of contingency tables, which consists of all possible tables having the same total number of observations, is constructed. These...

Region of interest contrast measures

Václav Remeš, Michal Haindl (2018)



A survey of local image contrast measures is presented and a new contrast measure for measuring the local contrast of regions of interest is proposed. The measures validation is based on the gradual objective contrast decreasing on medical test images in both grayscale and color. The performance of the eleven most frequented contrast measures is mutually compared and their robustness to different types of image degradation is analyzed. Since the contrast measures can be both global,...

Effect of choice of dissimilarity measure on classification efficiency with nearest neighbor method

Tomasz Górecki (2005)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics


In this paper we will precisely analyze the nearest neighbor method for different dissimilarity measures, classical and weighed, for which methods of distinguishing were worked out. We will propose looking for weights in the space of discriminant coordinates. Experimental results based on a number of real data sets are presented and analyzed to illustrate the benefits of the proposed methods. As classical dissimilarity measures we will use the Euclidean metric, Manhattan and post office...

Some remarks on evaluating the quality of the multiple sequence alignment based on the BALiBASE benchmark

Jacek Błażewicz, Piotr Formanowicz, Paweł Wojciechowski (2009)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


BAliBASE is one of the most widely used benchmarks for multiple sequence alignment programs. The accuracy of alignment methods is measured by bali score-an application provided together with the database. The standard accuracy measures are the Sum of Pairs (SP) and the Total Column (TC). We have found that, for non-core block columns, results calculated by bali score are different from those obtained on the basis of the formal definitions of the measures. We do not claim that one of...

On the order equivalence relation of binary association measures

Mariusz Paradowski (2015)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


Over a century of research has resulted in a set of more than a hundred binary association measures. Many of them share similar properties. An overview of binary association measures is presented, focused on their order equivalences. Association measures are grouped according to their relations. Transformations between these measures are shown, both formally and visually. A generalization coefficient is proposed, based on joint probability and marginal probabilities. Combining association...

Research Article. Multiscale Analysis of 1-rectifiable Measures II: Characterizations

Matthew Badger, Raanan Schul (2017)

Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces


A measure is 1-rectifiable if there is a countable union of finite length curves whose complement has zero measure. We characterize 1-rectifiable Radon measures μ in n-dimensional Euclidean space for all n ≥ 2 in terms of positivity of the lower density and finiteness of a geometric square function, which loosely speaking, records in an L2 gauge the extent to which μ admits approximate tangent lines, or has rapidly growing density ratios, along its support. In contrast with the classical...