Excited random walk.
Benjamini, Itai, Wilson, David B. (2003)
Electronic Communications in Probability [electronic only]
Benjamini, Itai, Wilson, David B. (2003)
Electronic Communications in Probability [electronic only]
Tomáš Kouřim, Petr Volf (2020)
Applications of Mathematics
The contribution focuses on Bernoulli-like random walks, where the past events significantly affect the walk's future development. The main concern of the paper is therefore the formulation of models describing the dependence of transition probabilities on the process history. Such an impact can be incorporated explicitly and transition probabilities modulated using a few parameters reflecting the current state of the walk as well as the information about the past path. The behavior...
Bérard, Jean, Ramirez, Alejandro (2007)
Electronic Communications in Probability [electronic only]
Benjamini, Itai, Izkovsky, Roey, Kesten, Harry (2007)
Electronic Journal of Probability [electronic only]
Krishnapur, Manjunath, Peres, Yuval (2004)
Electronic Communications in Probability [electronic only]
Zachary, Stan, Foss, S.G. (2006)
Sibirskij Matematicheskij Zhurnal
Popov, Serguei, Vachkovskaia, Marina (2005)
Electronic Communications in Probability [electronic only]
Alessandro Berarducci, Pietro Majer, Matteo Novaga (2012)
Fundamenta Mathematicae
We study the thresholds for the emergence of various properties in random subgraphs of (ℕ, <). In particular, we give sharp sufficient conditions for the existence of (finite or infinite) cliques and paths in a random subgraph. No specific assumption on the probability is made. The main tools are a topological version of Ramsey theory, exchangeability theory and elementary ergodic theory.
Friedrich, Tobias, Sauerwald, Thomas (2010)
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics [electronic only]
Jiří Černý, Augusto Teixeira, David Windisch (2011)
Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques
We study the trajectory of a simple random walk on a -regular graph with ≥ 3 and locally tree-like structure as the number of vertices grows. Examples of such graphs include random -regular graphs and large girth expanders. For these graphs, we investigate percolative properties of the set of vertices not visited by the walk until time , where > 0 is a fixed positive parameter. We show that this so-called set exhibits a phase transition in in the following sense: there exists...
Berestycki, Nathanael, Durrett, Rick (2008)
Electronic Journal of Probability [electronic only]
Eckhoff, Maren, Rolles, Silke W.W. (2009)
Electronic Communications in Probability [electronic only]