Displaying similar documents to “On real interpolation, finite differences, and estimates depending on a parameter for discretizations of elliptic boundary value problems.”

Finite element derivative interpolation recovery technique and superconvergence

Tie Zhu Zhang, Shu Hua Zhang (2011)

Applications of Mathematics


A new finite element derivative recovery technique is proposed by using the polynomial interpolation method. We show that the recovered derivatives possess superconvergence on the recovery domain and ultraconvergence at the interior mesh points for finite element approximations to elliptic boundary problems. Compared with the well-known Z-Z patch recovery technique, the advantage of our method is that it gives an explicit recovery formula and possesses the ultraconvergence for the odd-order...

Anisotropic interpolation error estimates via orthogonal expansions

Mingxia Li, Shipeng Mao (2013)

Open Mathematics


We prove anisotropic interpolation error estimates for quadrilateral and hexahedral elements with all possible shape function spaces, which cover the intermediate families, tensor product families and serendipity families. Moreover, we show that the anisotropic interpolation error estimates hold for derivatives of any order. This goal is accomplished by investigating an interpolation defined via orthogonal expansions.

A commutator theorem with applications.

Mario Milman (1993)

Collectanea Mathematica


We give an extension of the commutator theorems of Jawerth, Rochberg and Weiss [9] for the real method of interpolation. The results are motivated by recent work by Iwaniek and Sbordone [6] on generalized Hodge decompositions. The main estimates of these authors are based on a commutator theorem for a specific operator acting on Lp spaces and through the use of the complex method of interpolation. In this note we give an extension of the Iwaniek-Sbordone theorem to general real interpolation...

Maximum-norm resolvent estimates for elliptic finite element operators on nonquasiuniform triangulations

Nikolai Yu. Bakaev, Michel Crouzeix, Vidar Thomée (2006)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique


In recent years several papers have been devoted to stability and smoothing properties in maximum-norm of finite element discretizations of parabolic problems. Using the theory of analytic semigroups it has been possible to rephrase such properties as bounds for the resolvent of the associated discrete elliptic operator. In all these cases the triangulations of the spatial domain has been assumed to be quasiuniform. In the present paper we show a resolvent estimate, in one and two space...

Corrigenda to and a remark on interpolation of Morrey spaces.

Alberto Ruiz, Luis Vega (1995)

Publicacions Matemàtiques


The purpose of this note is twofold. First it is a corrigenda of our paper [RV1]. And secondly we make some remarks concerning the interpolation properties of Morrey spaces.