Displaying similar documents to “QCA implementation of a multichannel filter for image processing.”

Application of the adaptive center-weighted vector median framework for the enhancement of cDNA microarray images

Rastislav Lukac, Bogdan Smołka (2003)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


In this paper a novel method of noise reduction in color images is presented. The new technique is capable of attenuating both impulsive and Gaussian noise, while preserving and even enhancing the sharpness of the image edges. Extensive simulations reveal that the new method outperforms significantly the standard techniques widely used in multivariate signal processing. In this work we apply the new noise reduction method for the enhancement of the images of the so called gene chips....

Remarks on hardware implementation of image processing algorithms

Marek Wnuk (2008)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


Image processing in industrial vision systems requires both real-time speed and robustness. Modern computers, which fulfill the first demand, are sensitive to hard industrial environment conditions and require considerable amounts of energy. Programmable logic chips are available, which can realize many simple, still time-consuming operations in a parallel or a pipelined manner. The paper discusses particular features of the pipelined architecture and presents selected techniques of...

Towards spike-based speech processing: A biologically plausible approach to simple acoustic classification

Ismail Uysal, Harsha Sathyendra, John G. Harris (2008)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


Shortcomings of automatic speech recognition (ASR) applications are becoming more evident as they are more widely used in real life. The inherent non-stationarity associated with the timing of speech signals as well as the dynamical changes in the environment make the ensuing analysis and recognition extremely difficult. Researchers often turn to biology seeking clues to make better engineered systems, and ASR is no exception with the usage of feature sets such as Mel frequency cepstral...

Image retrieval based on hierarchical Gabor filters

Tomasz Andrysiak, Michal Choraś (2005)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) is now a widely investigated issue that aims at allowing users of multimedia information systems to automatically retrieve images coherent with a sample image. A way to achieve this goal is the computation of image features such as the color, texture, shape, and position of objects within images, and the use of those features as query terms. We propose to use Gabor filtration properties in order to find such appropriate features. The article presents...