Less conservative fuzzy control for discrete-time Takagi-Sugeno systems.
Amaral Mozelli, Leonardo, Martinez Palhares, Reinaldo (2011)
Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Amaral Mozelli, Leonardo, Martinez Palhares, Reinaldo (2011)
Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Antonio Sala, Pedro Albertos (1999)
Mathware and Soft Computing
In this paper, a survey of the state of the art and perspectives of two main lines of research in fuzzy control systems is presented: on one hand, the navas interpolative-functional line representing fuzzy systems as parameterized universal function approximators, thus applying nonlinear control and neural network paradigms; on the other hand, a logic-formal approach where fuzzy systems are analysed in terms of logic interpretations, exploring validation, consistency and completeness,...
Yeh, Ken, Chen, Cheng-Wu (2010)
Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Wudhichai Assawinchaichote (2014)
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
Reda Boukezzoula, Sylvie Galichet, Laurent Foulloy (2007)
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
This paper examines the inverse control problem of nonlinear systems with stable dynamics using a fuzzy modeling approach. Indeed, based on the ability of fuzzy systems to approximate any nonlinear mapping, the nonlinear system is represented by a Takagi-Sugeno (TS) fuzzy system, which is then inverted for designing a fuzzy controller. As an application of the proposed inverse control methodology, two popular control structures, namely, feedback linearization and Nonlinear Internal Model...
Ricardo García Rosa, Teresa de Pedro Lucio (2000)
Mathware and Soft Computing
The ORBEX coprocessor has been designed to execute the typical fuzzy operations of a system based on fuzzy rules. The first real application has been fuzzy controllers for electric cars. The values of the input variables, the position and the orientation of the car with respect the desired trajectory of reference, are obtained from the data provided by a DGPS boarded in the vehicle. The values of the output variables provided by the controller are the angle that the steering wheel has...
Jarosław Smoczek (2013)
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
A hybrid method combining an evolutionary search strategy, interval mathematics and pole assignment-based closed-loop control synthesis is proposed to design a robust TSK fuzzy controller. The design objective is to minimize the number of linear controllers associated with rule conclusions and tune the triangular-shaped membership function parameters of a fuzzy controller to satisfy stability and desired dynamic performances in the presence of system parameter variation. The robust performance...
Ruiyun Qi, Mietek A. Brdys (2009)
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
In this paper, a unified nonlinear modeling and control scheme is presented. A self-structuring Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy model is used to approximate the unknown nonlinear plant based on I/O data collected on-line. Both the structure and the parameters of the T-S fuzzy model are updated by an on-line clustering method and a recursive least squares estimation (RLSE) algorithm. The rules of the fuzzy model can be added, replaced or deleted on-line to allow a more flexible and compact...
Dimitris Theodoridis, Yiannis Boutalis, Manolis Christodoulou (2009)
The direct adaptive regulation for affine in the control nonlinear dynamical systems possessing unknown nonlinearities, is considered in this paper. The method is based on a new Neuro-Fuzzy Dynamical System definition, which uses the concept of Fuzzy Dynamical Systems (FDS) operating in conjunction with High Order Neural Network Functions (F-HONNFs). Since the plant is considered unknown, we first propose its approximation by a special form of a fuzzy dynamical system (FDS) and in the...
Yu, Jinpeng, Gao, Junwei, Ma, Yumei, Yu, Haisheng (2010)
Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Vladimir Pavlica, Dušan Petrovački (1999)
The Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research