Displaying similar documents to “ L -error estimate for a system of elliptic quasivariational inequalities.”

On discontinuous Galerkin method and semiregular family of triangulations

Aleš Prachař (2006)

Applications of Mathematics


Discretization of second order elliptic partial differential equations by discontinuous Galerkin method often results in numerical schemes with penalties. In this paper we analyze these penalized schemes in the context of quite general triangular meshes satisfying only a semiregularity assumption. A new (modified) penalty term is presented and theoretical properties are proven together with illustrative numerical results.

Finite element methods on non-conforming grids by penalizing the matching constraint

Eric Boillat (2003)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique


The present paper deals with a finite element approximation of partial differential equations when the domain is decomposed into sub-domains which are meshed independently. The method we obtain is never conforming because the continuity constraints on the boundary of the sub-domains are not imposed strongly but only penalized. We derive a selection rule for the penalty parameter which ensures a quasi-optimal convergence.