Displaying similar documents to “Affine Gelfand-Dickey Brackets and Holomorphic Vector Bundles.”

Affine structures on jet and Weil bundles

David Blázquez-Sanz (2009)

Colloquium Mathematicae


Weil algebra morphisms induce natural transformations between Weil bundles. In some well known cases, a natural transformation is endowed with a canonical structure of affine bundle. We show that this structure arises only when the Weil algebra morphism is surjective and its kernel has null square. Moreover, in some cases, this structure of affine bundle passes to jet spaces. We give a characterization of this fact in algebraic terms. This algebraic condition also determines an affine...

Lagrangians and hamiltonians on affine bundles and higher order geometry

Paul Popescu, Marcela Popescu (2007)

Banach Center Publications


The higher order bundles defined by an anchored bundle are constructed as a natural extension of the higher tangent spaces of a manifold. We prove that a hyperregular lagrangian (hyperregular affine hamiltonian) is a linearizable sub-lagrangian (affine sub-hamiltonian) on a suitable Legendre triple.

Natural operations on holomorphic forms

A. Navarro, J. Navarro, C. Tejero Prieto (2018)

Archivum Mathematicum


We prove that the only natural differential operations between holomorphic forms on a complex manifold are those obtained using linear combinations, the exterior product and the exterior differential. In order to accomplish this task we first develop the basics of the theory of natural holomorphic bundles over a fixed manifold, making explicit its Galoisian structure by proving a categorical equivalence à la Galois.