Laws of large numbers for functions of random walks with positive drift
A. J. Stam (1968)
Compositio Mathematica
A. J. Stam (1968)
Compositio Mathematica
G. Little, E. Dettweiler (1987)
Studia Mathematica
H. Kesten, M. V. Kozlov, F. Spitzer (1975)
Compositio Mathematica
Jérôme Dedecker, Florence Merlevède, Magda Peligrad, Sergey Utev (2009)
Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques
In this paper we derive the moderate deviation principle for stationary sequences of bounded random variables under martingale-type conditions. Applications to functions of -mixing sequences, contracting Markov chains, expanding maps of the interval, and symmetric random walks on the circle are given.
Elena Kosygina, Thomas Mountford (2011)
Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques
We consider excited random walks (ERWs) on ℤ with a bounded number of i.i.d. cookies per site without the non-negativity assumption on the drifts induced by the cookies. Kosygina and Zerner [15] have shown that when the total expected drift per site, , is larger than 1 then ERW is transient to the right and, moreover, for >4 under the averaged measure it obeys the Central Limit Theorem. We show that when ∈(2, 4] the limiting behavior of an appropriately centered and scaled excited...
Jørgen Hoffmann-Jørgensen (1974)
Studia Mathematica