Displaying similar documents to “Finite monodromy of Pochhammer equation”

Universal transitivity of simple and 2-simple prehomogeneous vector spaces

T. Kimura, S. Kasai, H. Hosokawa (1988)

Annales de l'institut Fourier


We denote by k a field of characteristic zero satisfying H 1 ( k , Aut ( S L 2 ) ) 0 . Let G be a connected k -split linear algebraic group acting on X = Aff n rationally by ρ with a Zariski-dense G -orbit Y . A prehomogeneous vector space ( G , ρ ,X) is called “universally transitive” if the set of k -rational points Y ( k ) is a single ρ ( G ) ( k ) -orbit for all such k . Such prehomogeneous vector spaces are classified by J. Igusa when ρ is irreducible. We classify them when G is reductive and its commutator subgroup [ G , G ] is either...

Incidence structures of type ( p , n )

František Machala (2003)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Every incidence structure 𝒥 (understood as a triple of sets ( G , M , I ) , I G × M ) admits for every positive integer p an incidence structure 𝒥 p = ( G p , M p , I p ) where G p ( M p ) consists of all independent p -element subsets in G ( M ) and I p is determined by some bijections. In the paper such incidence structures 𝒥 are investigated the 𝒥 p ’s of which have their incidence graphs of the simple join form. Some concrete illustrations are included with small sets G and M .

Dickson curves.

Gomez-Calderon, Javier (2006)

International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
