Displaying similar documents to “The asymptotics of spherical functions and the central limit theorem on symmetric cones”

Divided differences and symmetric functions

Wenchang Chu (1999)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


L'operatore di differenze multivariate è utilizzato per stabilire varie formule di somme riguardanti le funzioni simmetriche, le quali hanno uno stretto legame con le identità del «termine costante».

The value-distribution of lacunary series and a conjecture of Paley

Takafumi Murai (1981)

Annales de l'institut Fourier


The purpose of this paper is to establish a theorem which answers a conjecture of Paley on the distribution of values of Hadamard lacunary series and which is useful to study the Peano curve property of such series.