Displaying similar documents to “A geometrical interpretation of the time evolution of the Schrödinger equation for discrete quantum systems”

Supersymmetry and Ghosts in Quantum Mechanics

Robert, Didier (2008)

Serdica Mathematical Journal


2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 81Q60, 35Q40. A standard supersymmetric quantum system is defined by a Hamiltonian [^H] = ½([^Q]*[^Q] +[^Q][^Q]*), where the super-charge [^Q] satisfies [^Q]2 = 0, [^Q] commutes with [^H]. So we have [^H] ≥ 0 and the quantum spectrum of [^H] is non negative. On the other hand Pais-Ulhenbeck proposed in 1950 a model in quantum-field theory where the d'Alembert operator [¯] = [(∂2)/( ∂t2)] − Δx is replaced by fourth order operator [¯]([¯]...