Mather measures and the Bowen–Series transformation
A. O. Lopes, Ph. Thieullen (2006)
Annales de l'I.H.P. Analyse non linéaire
A. O. Lopes, Ph. Thieullen (2006)
Annales de l'I.H.P. Analyse non linéaire
Yves Coudène, Barbara Schapira (2014)
Journal de l’École polytechnique — Mathématiques
We study the generic invariant probability measures for the geodesic flow on connected complete nonpositively curved manifolds. Under a mild technical assumption, we prove that ergodicity is a generic property in the set of probability measures defined on the unit tangent bundle of the manifold and supported by trajectories not bounding a flat strip. This is done by showing that Dirac measures on periodic orbits are dense in that set. In the case of a compact surface, we...
Yuri Bakhtin, Matilde Martánez (2008)
Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques
denotes a (compact, nonsingular) lamination by hyperbolic Riemann surfaces. We prove that a probability measure on is harmonic if and only if it is the projection of a measure on the unit tangent bundle of which is invariant under both the geodesic and the horocycle flows.
Vadim A. Kaimanovich (1994)
Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik
Ursula Hamenstädt (1991)
Séminaire de théorie spectrale et géométrie
Walczak, Paweł G.