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Displaying similar documents to “Large investor trading impacts on volatility”

Pricing rules under asymmetric information

Shigeyoshi Ogawa, Monique Pontier (2007)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics


We consider an extension of the Kyle and Back's model [Back, (1992) 387–409; Kyle, (1985) 1315–1335], meaning a model for the market with a continuous time risky asset and asymmetrical information. There are three financial agents: the market maker, an insider trader (who knows a random variable which will be revealed at final time) and a non informed agent. Here we assume that the non informed agent is strategic, namely he/she uses a utility function...

Mean variance and goal achieving portfolio for discrete-time market with currently observable source of correlations

Nikolai Dokuchaev (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations


The paper studies optimal portfolio selection for discrete time market models in mean-variance and goal achieving setting. The optimal strategies are obtained for models with an observed process that causes serial correlations of price changes. The optimal strategies are found to be myopic for the goal-achieving problem and quasi-myopic for the mean variance portfolio.