Displaying similar documents to “One attempt to the K 3 modular function - II”

Real Kodaira surfaces.

Paola Frediani (2004)

Collectanea Mathematica


In this paper we give the topological classification of real primary Kodaira surfaces and we describe in detail the structure of the corresponding moduli space. Moreover, we use the notion of the orbifold fundamental group of a real variety, which was also the main tool in the classification of real hyperelliptic surfaces achieved in [10]. Our first result is that if (S,sygma) is a real primary Kodaira surface, then the differentiable tupe of the pair (S,sygma) is completely determined...

Geodesic flow on , Kac-Moody Lie algebra and singularities in the complex t-plane.

Ahmed Lesfari (1999)

Publicacions Matemàtiques


The article studies geometrically the Euler-Arnold equations associatedto geodesic flow on for a left invariant diagonal metric. Such metric were first introduced by Manakov [17] and extensively studied by Mishchenko-Fomenko [18] and Dikii [6]. An essential contribution into the integrability of this problem was also made by Adler-van Moerbeke [4] and Haine [8]. In this problem there are four invariants of the motion defining in C = Lie( ⊗ C) an affine Abelian surface as complete intersection...

Veech Groups of Loch Ness Monsters

Piotr Przytycki, Gabriela Schmithüsen, Ferrán Valdez (2011)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


We classify Veech groups of tame non-compact flat surfaces. In particular we prove that all countable subgroups of G L + ( 2 , R ) avoiding the set of mappings of norm less than 1 appear as Veech groups of tame non-compact flat surfaces which are Loch Ness monsters. Conversely, a Veech group of any tame flat surface is either countable, or one of three specific types.