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Displaying similar documents to “Interpolation manifolds”

Interpolation properties of a scale of spaces.

A. K. Lerner, L. Liflyand (2003)

Collectanea Mathematica


A scale of function spaces is considered which proved to be of considerable importance in analysis. Interpolation properties of these spaces are studied by means of the real interpolation method. The main result consists in demonstrating that this scale is interpolated in a way different from that for Lp spaces, namely, the interpolation space is not from this scale.

Inequalities and interpolation.

L. Maligranda, L. E. Persson (1993)

Collectanea Mathematica


Some examples of the close interaction between inequalities and interpolation are presented and discussed. An interpolation technique to prove generalized Clarkson inequalities is pointed out. We also discuss and apply to the theory of interpolation the recently found facts that the Gustavsson-Peetre class P can be described by one Carlson type inequality and that the wider class P can be characterized by another Carlson type inequality with blocks.

The Lions's problem for Gustavsson-Peetre functor.

E.I. Bereznoi, Mieczyslaw Mastylo (1990)

Publicacions Matemàtiques


The problem of coincidence of the interpolation spaces obtained by use of the interpolation method of Gustavsson-Peetre generated by (parameters) quasi-concave functions is investigated. It is shown that a restriction of this method to the class of all non-trivial Banach couples gives different interpolation spaces whenever two different parameters satisfying some conditions are used.

Generalized interpolation in the unit ball.

Nicolas Marco (2001)

Publicacions Matemàtiques


We study a generalized interpolation problem for the space H(B) of bounded homomorphic functions in the ball B. A sequence Z = {z} of B is an interpolating sequence of order 1 if for all sequence of values w satisfying conditions of order 1 (that is discrete derivatives in the pseudohyperbolic metric are bounded) there exists a function f ∈ H(B) such that f(z) = w. These sequences are characterized as unions of 3 free interpolating sequences for H(B) such that all triplets of Z made...