Location of zeros of infrapolynomials
T. S. Motzkin, J. L. Walsh (1959-1960)
Compositio Mathematica
T. S. Motzkin, J. L. Walsh (1959-1960)
Compositio Mathematica
J. L. Díaz-Barrero, J. J. Egozcue (2008)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
Given a set of points in the complex plane, an incomplete polynomial is defined as the one which has these points as zeros except one of them. The classical result known as Gauss-Lucas theorem on the location of zeros of polynomials and their derivatives is extended to convex linear combinations of incomplete polynomials. An integral representation of convex linear combinations of incomplete polynomials is also given.
Tim N. T. Goodman, Charles A. Micchelli (2002)
We give conditions such that the least degree solution of a Bézout identity is nonnegative on the interval [-1,1].
Sylvan Elhay, Jaroslav Kautský (1992)
Applications of Mathematics
We present algorithms for the determination of polynomials orthogonal with respect to a positive weight function multiplied by a polynomial with simple roots inside the interval of integration. We apply these algorithms to search for and calculate all possible sequences of imbedded quadratures of maximal polynomials order of precision for the generalized Laguerre and Hermite weight functions.
Riadh Ben Ghanem, Clément Frappier (1999)
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique