The groupoid of 0-reduced varieties of Semigroups (n).
A hypersubstitution of a fixed type τ maps n-ary operation symbols of the type to n-ary terms of the type. Such a mapping induces a unique mapping defined on the set of all terms of type t. The kernel of this induced mapping is called the kernel of the hypersubstitution, and it is a fully invariant congruence relation on the (absolutely free) term algebra of the considered type ([2]). If V is a variety of type τ, we consider the composition of the natural homomorphism with the mapping induced...
Tree transducers are systems which transform trees into trees just as automata transform strings into strings. They produce transformations, i.e. sets consisting of pairs of trees where the first components are trees belonging to a first language and the second components belong to a second language. In this paper we consider hypersubstitutions, i.e. mappings which map operation symbols of the first language into terms of the second one and tree transformations defined by such hypersubstitutions....