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Perfectly supportable semigroups are σ-discrete in each Hausdorff shift-invariant topology

Taras Banakh, Igor Guran (2013)

Topological Algebra and its Applications

In this paper we introduce perfectly supportable semigroups and prove that they are σ-discrete in each Hausdorff shiftinvariant topology. The class of perfectly supportable semigroups includes each semigroup S such that FSym(X) ⊂ S ⊂ FRel(X) where FRel(X) is the semigroup of finitely supported relations on an infinite set X and FSym(X) is the group of finitely supported permutations of X.

P-sets and minimal right ideals in ℕ*

W. R. Brian (2015)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Recall that a P-set is a closed set X such that the intersection of countably many neighborhoods of X is again a neighborhood of X. We show that if 𝔱 = 𝔠 then there is a minimal right ideal of (βℕ,+) that is also a P-set. We also show that the existence of such P-sets implies the existence of P-points; in particular, it is consistent with ZFC that no minimal right ideal is a P-set. As an application of these results, we prove that it is both consistent with and independent of ZFC that the shift...

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