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Coalgebras for binary methods : properties of bisimulations and invariants

Hendrik Tews (2001)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

Coalgebras for endofunctors 𝒞 𝒞 can be used to model classes of object-oriented languages. However, binary methods do not fit directly into this approach. This paper proposes an extension of the coalgebraic framework, namely the use of extended polynomial functors 𝒞 o p × 𝒞 𝒞 . This extension allows the incorporation of binary methods into coalgebraic class specifications. The paper also discusses how to define bisimulation and invariants for coalgebras of extended polynomial functors and proves many standard...

Coalgebras for Binary Methods: Properties of Bisimulations and Invariants

Hendrik Tews (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

Coalgebras for endofunctors 𝒞 𝒞 can be used to model classes of object-oriented languages. However, binary methods do not fit directly into this approach. This paper proposes an extension of the coalgebraic framework, namely the use of extended polynomial functors 𝒞 o p × 𝒞 𝒞 . This extension allows the incorporation of binary methods into coalgebraic class specifications. The paper also discusses how to define bisimulation and invariants for coalgebras of extended polynomial functors and proves many...

Concepts—An object-oriented software package for partial differential equations

Philipp Frauenfelder, Christian Lage (2002)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

Object oriented design has proven itself as a powerful tool in the field of scientific computing. Several software packages, libraries and toolkits exist, in particular in the FEM arena that follow this design methodology providing extensible, reusable, and flexible software while staying competitive to traditionally designed point tools in terms of efficiency. However, the common approach to identify classes is to turn data structures and algorithms of traditional implementations into classes such...

Concepts—An Object-Oriented Software Package for Partial Differential Equations

Philipp Frauenfelder, Christian Lage (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

Object oriented design has proven itself as a powerful tool in the field of scientific computing. Several software packages, libraries and toolkits exist, in particular in the FEM arena that follow this design methodology providing extensible, reusable, and flexible software while staying competitive to traditionally designed point tools in terms of efficiency. However, the common approach to identify classes is to turn data structures and algorithms of traditional implementations into ...

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