Transformations of translation grammars
This paper presents two extensions of the second order polymorphic lambda calculus, system F, with monotone (co)inductive types supporting (co)iteration, primitive (co)recursion and inversion principles as primitives. One extension is inspired by the usual categorical approach to programming by means of initial algebras and final coalgebras; whereas the other models dialgebras, and can be seen as an extension of Hagino's categorical lambda calculus within the framework of parametric polymorphism....
Finite Element Method (FEM) is often perceived as a unique and compact programming subject. Despite the fact that many FEM implementations mention the Object Oriented Approach (OOA), this approach is used completely, only in minority of cases in most real-life situations. For example, one of building stones of OOA, the interface-based polymorphism, is used only rarely. This article is focusing on the design reuse and at the same time it gives a complex view on FEM. The article defines basic principles...