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Relations of granular worlds

Witold Pedrycz, George Vukovich (2002)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

In this study, we are concerned with a two-objective development of information granules completed on a basis of numeric data. The first goal of this design concerns revealing and representing a structure in a data set. As such it is very much oriented towards coping with the underlying it relational aspects of the experimental data. The second goal deals with a formation of a mapping between information granules constructed in two spaces (thus it concentrates on the it directional aspect of information...

Relevance and redundancy in fuzzy classification systems.

Ana Del Amo, Daniel Gómez, Javier Montero, Gregory S. Biging (2001)

Mathware and Soft Computing

Fuzzy classification systems is defined in this paper as an aggregative model, in such a way that Ruspini classical definition of fuzzy partition appears as a particular case. Once a basic recursive model has been accepted, we then propose to analyze relevance and redundancy in order to allow the possibility of learning from previous experiences. All these concepts are applied to a real picture, showing that our approach allows to check quality of such a classification system.

Rough sets methods in feature reduction and classification

Roman Świniarski (2001)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

The paper presents an application of rough sets and statistical methods to feature reduction and pattern recognition. The presented description of rough sets theory emphasizes the role of rough sets reducts in feature selection and data reduction in pattern recognition. The overview of methods of feature selection emphasizes feature selection criteria, including rough set-based methods. The paper also contains a description of the algorithm for feature selection and reduction based on the rough...

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