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Numerical algorithms for perspective shape from shading

Michael Breuss, Emiliano Cristiani, Jean-Denis Durou, Maurizio Falcone, Oliver Vogel (2010)


The Shape-From-Shading (SFS) problem is a fundamental and classic problem in computer vision. It amounts to compute the 3-D depth of objects in a single given 2-D image. This is done by exploiting information about the illumination and the image brightness. We deal with a recent model for Perspective SFS (PSFS) for Lambertian surfaces. It is defined by a Hamilton–Jacobi equation and complemented by state constraints boundary conditions. In this paper we investigate and compare three state-of-the-art...

Numerical taxonomy: a missing link for case-based reasoning and autonomous agents.

John A. Campbell (2004)


Numerical taxonomy, which uses numerical methods to classify and relate items whose properties are non-numerical, is suggested as both an advantageous tool to support case-based reasoning and a means for agents to exploit knowledge that is best expressed in cases. The basic features of numerical taxonomy are explained, and discussed in application to a problem where human agents with differing views obtain solutions by negotiation and by reference to knowledge that is essentially case-like: allocation...

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