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Implementation of directed acyclic word graph

Miroslav Balík (2002)


An effective implementation of a Directed Acyclic Word Graph (DAWG) automaton is shown. A DAWG for a text T is a minimal automaton that accepts all substrings of a text T , so it represents a complete index of the text. While all usual implementations of DAWG needed about 30 times larger storage space than was the size of the text, here we show an implementation that decreases this requirement down to four times the size of the text. The method uses a compression of DAWG elements, i. e. vertices,...

Improvement to the cooperative rules methodology by using the ant colony system algorithm.

Rafael Alcalá, Jorge Casillas, Oscar Cordón, Francisco Herrera (2001)

Mathware and Soft Computing

The cooperative rules (COR) methodology [2] is based on a combinatorial search of cooperative rules performed over a set of previously generated candidate rule consequents. It obtains accurate models preserving the highest interpretability of the linguistic fuzzy rule-based systems. Once the good behavior of the COR methodology has been proven in previous works, this contribution focuses on developing the process with a novel kind of metaheuristic algorithm: the ant colony system one. Thanks to...

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