Displaying 61 – 80 of 122

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Hierarchical text categorization using fuzzy relational thesaurus

Domonkos Tikk, Jae Dong Yang, Sun Lee Bang (2003)


Text categorization is the classification to assign a text document to an appropriate category in a predefined set of categories. We present a new approach for the text categorization by means of Fuzzy Relational Thesaurus (FRT). FRT is a multilevel category system that stores and maintains adaptive local dictionary for each category. The goal of our approach is twofold; to develop a reliable text categorization method on a certain subject domain, and to expand the initial FRT by automatically added...

Histoires de fichiers

Jean Françon (1978)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

Learning extremal regulator implementation by a stochastic automaton and stochastic approximation theory

Ivan Brůha (1980)

Aplikace matematiky

There exist many different approaches to the investigation of the characteristics of learning system. These approaches use different branches of mathematics and, thus, obtain different results, some of them are too complicated and others do not match the results of practical experiments. This paper presents the modelling of learning systems by means of stochastic automate, mainly one particular model of a learning extremal regulator. The proof of convergence is based on Dvoretzky's Theorem on stochastic...

On the conjecture relating minimax and minimean complexity norms

Peter Růžička, Juraj Wiedermann (1979)

Aplikace matematiky

Using counterexample it has been shown that an algorithm which is minimax optimal and over all minimax optimal algorithms is minimean optimal and has a uniform behaviour need not to be minimean optimal.

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 122